Whoosh! I got into the house and enter my room, had a quick change of clothing before running out again. You must be wondering why I was in a rush. Every Monday, I would cycle at the park which is opposite my neighbourhood.
The sight of nature makes me feel rejuvenated. For a start, I was cycling at a leisurely pace. The park was so serene that the chirping of the birds could be heard a distance away. I wanted to train my thigh muscles, so I increased the gear intensity ratio so that extra strength is needed to cycle. Out of the blue, I heard someone shouted," Help...". At the same time, a man flashed past me like lightning. I immediately gave chase. After two minutes of chasing, my muscles were screaming to give way. A passer-by told me to lower the gear of the bicycle. I immediately did so and with my increased speed, my bicycle eventually knocked the thief down. He was screaming in pain as the tire was wedged in between his legs.
Two police officers arrived the crime scene to take down our statements of confession. As I was about to leave for home, a lady approached me. She thanked me for helping her to retrieve her handbag. As a reward, she gave me ten dollars. Before I could reject it, she hurriedly got into a taxi as she was in a hurry to go off. The taxi driver drove off immediately. Back home, I related this incident to my parents. After they heard about the reward given to me, they advised me to donate it to some charitable organization. Although I felt like keeping it for myself, I felt to stand for my principle to do good deeds from the heart regardless of any reward. When I had donated it, it was considered two good deeds done. I felt that there was true happiness in my heart.

Picture of my bicycle
The sight of nature makes me feel rejuvenated. For a start, I was cycling at a leisurely pace. The park was so serene that the chirping of the birds could be heard a distance away. I wanted to train my thigh muscles, so I increased the gear intensity ratio so that extra strength is needed to cycle. Out of the blue, I heard someone shouted," Help...". At the same time, a man flashed past me like lightning. I immediately gave chase. After two minutes of chasing, my muscles were screaming to give way. A passer-by told me to lower the gear of the bicycle. I immediately did so and with my increased speed, my bicycle eventually knocked the thief down. He was screaming in pain as the tire was wedged in between his legs.
Two police officers arrived the crime scene to take down our statements of confession. As I was about to leave for home, a lady approached me. She thanked me for helping her to retrieve her handbag. As a reward, she gave me ten dollars. Before I could reject it, she hurriedly got into a taxi as she was in a hurry to go off. The taxi driver drove off immediately. Back home, I related this incident to my parents. After they heard about the reward given to me, they advised me to donate it to some charitable organization. Although I felt like keeping it for myself, I felt to stand for my principle to do good deeds from the heart regardless of any reward. When I had donated it, it was considered two good deeds done. I felt that there was true happiness in my heart.

Picture of my bicycle